2. Report No. 2018-19:169 – Adopt Resolution No. 2018-19-R22 Regarding Program and Budget Changes Involving the Elimination of Non-Certificated/Classified Positions for the 2019-20 School Year
3. Report No. 2018-19:170 - Approve Salary Schedules for Certificated, Confidential, Counselor and Social Worker, Psychologist, Speech Language Pathologist, Classified Management, Certificated Management, and Assistant Superintendent Employees
4. Report No. 2018-19:171 – Adoption of the Los Angeles County Office of Education Plan for Expelled Pupils
5. Report No. 2018-19:172 - Accept the Agreements/Revisions Between Whittier City School District (WCSD) and Whittier Elementary Teachers’ Association (WETA)
1. Report No. 2018-19:173 – Approve Personnel Matters
2. Report No. 2018-19:174 - First reading of the Initial Contract Proposal of Whittier City School District to the Whittier Elementary Teachers’ Association (WETA) for the 2019-2020 School Year
3. Report No. 2018-19:175 - Approve Affiliation Agreement with Azusa Pacific University
4. Report No. 2018-19:176 - Approve Student Teaching Agreement with California State University, Fullerton
5. Report No. 2018-19:177 - Approve Teaching Internship Agreement with California State University, Fullerton
6. Report No. 2018-19:178 - Approve Fieldwork Agreement with the University of La Verne
7. Report No. 2018-19:179 - Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Walnut Valley Consortium from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020
8. Report No. 2018-19:180 - Approve Conference Attendance
9. Report No. 2018-19:181 – Approve School Schedules for the 2019-2020 School Year
10. Report No. 2018-19:182 - Approve Consolidated Application Reporting System Executive Summary for Board Information - June 2019
11. Report No. 2018-19:183 - Public Disclosure of Collective Bargaining Agreement (AB1200 and AB2756) Between Whittier City School District and Whittier Elementary Teachers Association (WETA), Confidential Employees, and Management for the Period from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019
12. Report No. 2018-19:184 - Reject All Bids Received for Structured Wiring (Group 2) at Various Sites as Designed by Architects MSP (Project No. 16-1026)
13. Report No. 2018-19:185 - Approve Renewal of Food
Services Agreement Between Whittier City School District
and Cornerstone Preschool to Provide Lunch Meals Under
the National School Lunch Program for the 2019-20 School
14. Report No. 2018-19:186 - Approve Renewal of Food
Services Agreement Between Whittier City School District
and Lad “N” Lassie Preschool to Provide Lunch Meals Under
the National School Lunch Program for the 2019-20 School
15. Report No. 2018-19:187 - Approve Renewal of Food
Services Agreement Between Whittier City School District
and Hadley Preschool to Provide Lunch Meals Under the
National School Lunch Program for the 2019-20 School
16. Report No. 2018-19:188 - Approve Food Services
Agreement Between Whittier City School District and
Plymouth Christian School to Provide Lunch Meals Under
The National School Lunch Program for the 2019-20 School
17. Report No. 2018-19:189 – Approve Contracts
18. Report No. 2018-19:190 - Approve Purchases
19. Report No. 2018-19:191 - Ratify Payrolls, Purchase
Orders, and Warrants
20. Report No. 2018-19:192 - Approve Communicative Disorders Program Agreement with California State University, Fullerton