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Fiscal Services » BENEFITS


health benefits    Welcome!

Whittier City School District takes pride in offering a comprehensive and competitive benefits package to it's employees.  Whittier City School District offers a benefit program that allows choice and flexibility.  Through this program you can choose the benefits that are best suited for you and your family.
It is important that you take the time to review all the plan options available to you.  Choose the benefits that will fit you and your families needs throughout the year.
Election changes during the Plan Year are regulated by the Internal Revenue Service, not the Employer. Generally, you cannot change your Benefit elections you have selected during the Plan Year, although your election will terminate if you are no longer working for the Employer. Normally, you may change your Benefit elections only during the Annual Open Enrollment Period, and then only for the coming Plan Year. There are several important exceptions to this general rule:
  • Marriage
  • Birth and Adoption
  • Divorce
  • Loss of spouse's job where coverage is maintained through a spouse's plan
  • Death of a spouse or dependent
  • Loss of Dependent Status

These special circumstances, often referred to as life event changes, will allow you to make plan changes at any time during the year in which they occur.  For any allowable changes you must inform your benefits area within 30 days of the event to avoid a lapse in coverage.  All other changes are deferred to open enrollment.


For health benefits contact: Carole Brown at (562) 789-3052 or email [email protected]

Benefit Eligibility & Documentation Requirement  
Cerificated employees:
  • Minimum requirement:  more than 12.5 hours
  • The exception is job share contracts, wherein health insurance is negotiated between the contract participants.
Classified employees:
  • Minimum requirement:  work a regular 4 hour per day position
At initial enrollment and/or within 30 days from the event date, Employees must provide the documentation noted under each action below:
  • To add a spouse, you must provide:
    • the county recorded copy of your marriage license.  The document will contain the signature/seal of the county clerk/registar and the date the marriage was recorded at the county; AND,
    • the 1st page of the current year's Federal tax return.  If you do not file jointly, please provide the 1st page of both yours and your spouse's current year Federal tax returns AND and "Affidavit of Marriage" form.
  • To add a registered domestic partner (same gender), you must provide:
    • registered domestic partnership certificate issued by a state government official; and,
    • the 1st page of the current year's Federal tax return.  If you do not file jointly, please provide the 1st page of both yours and your partner's current year's Federal tax returns.
  • To add children, you must provide a copy of his/her birth certificate.  ONLY Newborns  may be added by providing a copy of the birth record from the facility in which the child was born.  However, a copy of the birth certificate should be submitted immediately, once received.
  • To remove a spouse/registered domestic partner due to divorce, you must provide a copy of the first page of the divorce decree noting the divorce/partnership termination is final and the date it was recorded by the county, along with a completed Membership Change Form.
$2,000 LIFETIME MAXIMUM Orthodontics on PPO plan is effective OCTOBER 1, 2017
DeltaCare USA Benefit 2017 
HMO Plan
You can keep your dental expenses down by practicing the following:
1. Compare the fees of different dentists;
2. Use a Delta Dental Dentist;
3. Have your dentist obtain a predetermination from Delta Dental for any treatment over $300;
4. Visit your dentist regularly for checkups;
5. Follow your dentist’s advice about regular brushing and flossing;
6. Avoid putting off treatment until you have a major problem.