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Educational Services » GATE Program

GATE Program

Whittier City School District is committed to providing all students with an exemplary instructional program. We are proud to have several schools within our district designated as academies.  We currently have a science, Spanish dual language, visual and performing arts, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and technology academy.  Teachers differentiate instruction by challenging students, providing higher order thinking skills, and flexible grouping based on students' strengths, need and/or interest. Furthermore, our teachers continually monitor student progress and adjust instruction accordingly. In partnership with UC Irvine's Gifted and Talented Education Program, we provide classes for our teachers at our District Office on topics such as brain research and differentiated instruction.
In order to further serve our gifted students, each school arranges challenging and engaging enrichment opportunities (i.e.. field trips, after school sessions, assemblies, extending learning through projects, etc.)  In addition, we annually hold a district-wide GATE Conference where students select workshops of interest.  This is a full-day event which includes a keynote speaker and a parent in-service component.  
Gifted and Talented Annual Conference 
How do you know if your child is gifted?
          Bright Child vs. Gifted Learner

Bright Learner              

Gifted Learner

Is interested

Is highly curious

Knows the answers

Asks the questions

Is attentive

Is mentally and physically involved

Has good ideas

Has wild, silly ideas

Works hard

Plays around, yet tests well

Answers the questions

Discusses in detail, elaborates

Top group

Beyond the group

Listens with interest

Shows strong feelings and opinions

Learns with ease

Already knows

6-8 repetitions

1-2 repetitions for mastery

Understands ideas

Constructs abstractions

Enjoys peers

Prefers adults

Grasps the meaning

Draws inferences

Completes assignments

Initiates projects

Is receptive

Is intense

Copies accurately

Creates a new design

Enjoys school

Enjoys learning

Absorbs information

Manipulates information



Good memorizer

Good guesser

Enjoys straightforward, sequential presentation

Thrives on complexity

Is alert

Is keenly observant

Is pleased with own learning

Is highly self-critical

                                                Resource from: worknotes.com/CA/Pacificregion/Tri