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Reach for the Stars After School Program » Reach for the Stars Policies

Reach for the Stars Policies

Late Arrival Policy:  It is the intent of the California Legislature that students participate in the full day of the Before School Program every day.  If a student is unable to attend the before school program for the full range of hours every day, the parent/guardian must complete and submit for approval a request for late arrival specifying the days and hours the pupil will attend and the reason for requesting late arrival. Priority for enrollment will be given to students who can attend the full time every day.  Non-compliance with the late arrival policy may result in dismissal from the program.


Early Release Policy:

The Reach For The Stars After School Program will open at the time of regular school day dismissal and close at 6:00 p.m. on every school day. It is the intent of the Legislature that elementary students participate in the full hours of the program. Children may, however, leave the program early under conditions established by the Program in advance and in writing. Please read our Early Release Policy below for acceptable conditions.

Any child participating in early release must have a signed Early Release Form on file with the RFTS Program. This Early Release Form needs to be completed prior to the early release of a child; this form is available through your Site Facilitator (spaces are limited, so please check with them regarding availability at your site). Once the RFTS Main Office has approved the Early Release Form, the child will be added to the Early Release List. A reminder that Early Release request should be for no more than (3) days per week and no earlier than 4:30 p.m.

A child may be released early from the after-school program under the following


Acceptable reasons for early release:

  • Family Emergencies (such as a death in the family, catastrophic incidents, etc.).
  • Medical appointments/conditions (ex: dental, counseling, therapy). A doctor’s note should be provided to the RFTS the following day, to be considered excused.
  • Daylight Savings (from November to March) (for walkers only) or Extreme Weather.
  • Child accidents/illness that occurs during program time (program staff will call parent or guardian).
  • Attending a parallel program on campus (i.e. tutoring, pre-approved sports, clubs, etc.), as long as an agreement or partnership with the program exists, thus making the parallel program the child’s enrichment component. Students must sign in and sign out with RFTS.
  • Attending a parallel program off campus, as long as an agreement or partnership with the program exists, thus making the parallel program the child’s enrichment component.
  • Other conditions, based on a case-by-case basis determined by the Reach for the Stars Program.

The Site Facilitator will provide a verbal and/or written warning for unexcused early pick-ups to the parent/guardian. After (5) *unexcused absences/early pick-ups, your child will be dismissed from our Program. *Please note that unexcused early pick-ups count as an absence.