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Student Services » Discipline


School discipline is the system of rules, consequences, and behavioral strategies appropriate to the regulation of students and the maintenance of order in schools.  

It is the intent of the Whittier City School District to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment to facilitate student academic success.  Should a student exhibit undesirable behaviors, the district will make use of suspensions and expulsions as a matter of last resort.  Rather, the district will use other means of correction to ensure the student receives appropriate interventions to correct the behaviors.  These may include:
  • Informal Talk.  School personnel discuss inappropriate behavior with student.  May be recorded in an anecdotal record.
  • Conference.  A formal conference is held between the student and school official.  During the meeting the student is directed to correct the behavior.  Recorded in an anecdotal record.
  • Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). A positive behavior support approach, with tiered interventions that occur during the schoolday on campus.
  • Student Learning Committees (SLC). Guidance teams, resource panel teams, or other intervention-related teams that assess the behavior, and develop and implement individualized plans to address the behavior in partnership with the student and his or her parents.
  • Referrals.  Referrals to the school counselor, behavior counselor, psychologist, or other school support services personnel.
  • Detention.  Students may be detained in school for disciplinary reasons for a maximum of one hour or assigned to a detention center in one-hour increments before or after school.
  • Parent Involvement.  The parent/legal guardian is notified and involved in a conference with school personnel, the student, and/or any other individual.  A student performance contract may be written.  Recorded in an anecdotal record.
  • Saturday School.  Student may be assigned to school on Saturday in lieu of suspension.  Recorded in an anecdotal record.
  • Alternate School Site or Program.  Enrollment at another school within the district, placement in an Opportunity Program, Independent Study, Community Day School, or home teaching.
  • Suspension.  Suspension shall be imposed only when other means of correction fail to bring about the proper conduct.  Suspension means temporary removal of a student from the on-going instructional process.  A suspended student may be required to complete and receive credit for assignments and tests missed during the suspension.  A suspended student must remain under the parent supervision and not be on any school campus or attend any school activity for the duration of the suspension.  A student may also be temporarily removed from an individual class for a specific period of time for inappropriate behavior.
  • Expulsion.  Expulsion is the removal of the student by Board action from attendance in all school within the district.
Please see the Parent & Student Handbook for more information about student conduct and discipline codes.