2. Report No. 2017-18:194 Approve Paid Lunch Equity (PLE) Paid Lunch Increase Requirement for School
Year 2018-2019
3. Report No. 2017-18:195 Approve Paid Breakfast Price Increase for School Year 2018-2019
2. Report No. 2017-18:197 - Acceptance of Bid and Award of Contract for Structured Wiring (Group 1) at Various Sites
as Designed by Architects MSP (Project No. MSP 16-1026) and Authorize Execution of all Related Bid Documents
3. Report No. 2017-18:198 - Approve Free and Reduced Price Meal for the 2018-19 School Year
4. Report No. 2017-18:199 - Approve Memorandum of Understanding Regarding TK -3 Grade Span Adjustment
Between Whittier City School District and Whittier Elementary Teachers’ Association (WETA)