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Agendas » September 14, 2021 Agenda & Reports

September 14, 2021 Agenda & Reports

September 14, 2021 BOE Meeting Agenda
1. Report No. 2021-22:21 – Adopt Resolution 2021-22-R2 Approving the Change of the November 9, 2021 Regular Board of Education Meeting to November 16, 2021
2. Report No. 2021-22:22 – Adopt Resolution 2021-22-R3 to Verify COVID-19 Vaccination Status of All District

Employees and Volunteers and Require Those Not Fully Vaccinated to Undergo Weekly Diagnostic Screening Testing

3. Report No. 2021-22:23 – Adopt Resolution 2021-22-R4 Approving Sufficiency of Instructional Materials
4. Report No. 2021-22:24 – Approve the Unaudited Actuals for the Period Ending June 30, 2021
5. Report No. 2021-22:25 – Adopt Resolution No. 2021-22-R6 Approving District Gann Appropriations Limits for the 2021-22 School Year
6. Report No. 2021-22:26 – Adopt Resolution No. 2021-22-R7 Authorizing Delegation of Administrative Authority to Process Routine Budget Revisions, Adjustments, and Transfers
1. Report No. 2021-22:27 – Approve Personnel Matters
2. Report No. 2021-22:28 – Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Walnut Valley Induction Consortium, Clear Administrative Services Credential Program from September 15, 2021 through June 30, 2022
3. Report No. 2021-22:29 – Approve Nonpublic School Individual Service Agreements
4. Report No. 2021-22:30 – Approve Conference Attendance
5. Report No. 2021-22:31 – Approve Educational Protection Account (EPA) Plan
6. Report No. 2021-22:32 - Accept Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 75 (GASB 75) Actuarial Valuation as of July 1, 2020
7. Report No. 2021-22:33 – Approve Payment to Alliance of Schools for Cooperative Insurance Programs (ASCIP) for the 2020-21 Fiscal Year
8. Report No. 2021-22:34 – Approve Contracts
9. Report No. 2021-22:35 – Approve Purchases
10. Report No. 2021-22:36 – Ratify Payrolls, Purchase Orders and Warrants